The Power of Spiritual Gifts in Building Community - Wendy Seidman

Feeling like a puzzle piece searching for its place within the bigger picture? This week, we delve into the beautiful tapestry of spiritual gifts!

Remember the story of the early Church, a fledgling community brimming with potential but lacking direction? Today, we unlock the secret weapon gifted by the Holy Spirit – the unique talents He bestows on each believer.

Join us as we explore 1 Corinthians 12, where the Apostle Paul unveils this extraordinary truth. Discover the spectrum of gifts, from the fiery passion of encouragement to the steady hand of service.

Imagine using your God-given skills to not only enrich your own faith, but to build up the entire body of Christ! This sermon equips you to identify your gift and unleash its potential, fostering a thriving and impactful faith community.

Don't miss this chance to discover the unique role you were created to play!